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29 Kasım 2018 Perşembe

The Secret to Great Instagram Content

Forrester claims that Instagram is the “King of Engagement.” With nearly a 400% higher engagement rate than any other social network, the photosharing service has a lot of potential for brands to build communities and relationships among mobile audiences.


Many brands will post 2-3 photos a day. Photos should be story-driven,
compelling visuals. You can also ask for photo submissions from followers
or show life behind-the-scenes at the business. Don’t forget that Instagram
Stories allows for 15-second videos, too.

Offering Deals & Giveaways

A lot of deals and giveaways on Instagram are community-driven. Offer prizes
to customers who take the best pictures of themselves with the product. You
can also ask followers to tag friends in posts or take selfies in order to enter
contests and giveaways.

Working With Influencers

Influencer marketing on Instagram can be highly effective. By working with
someone who already has an established audience on Instagram, brands
can tap into new audiences and build followings. The most common tactic is
to allow influencers to “take over” a brand’s Instagram account for a few days,
so that the influencer’s followers will start looking at the account. Influencers
often test or promote a brand’s product in each photo.


The best way to start building an audience is to use common hashtags.
Not just one or two, either. You can opt for anywhere from 5-11 hashtags per
post to start growing awareness. By hashtagging industry terms and common
words, you can boost engagement and followers immediately.

Keeping Your Profile Link Fresh

The link in your bio is the best way to drive traffic from Instagram. Use a Bitly
link for any piece of content in your bio and you’ll be able to track exactly how
many unique clicks your Instagram page has driven to your content. To
add polish and improve engagement, many major brands use a customized
branded domain for all their Bitly links, like E! News and CB2.

For savvy social media managers who are constantly rotating their profile
link, upgrading to Bitly Enterprise allows you to redirect your link to a new URL
without actually changing the link in your profile, making it easy to update and
track new campaigns on the fly.


The most successful businesses don’t just respond to comments, they
favorite and comment on other posts as well. By favoriting posts related
to your industry or brand, you can actually create outbound awareness.

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